Flying Hot Pockets

Just short blurbs about my life, music, and all that I'm learning.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Frigid Platypi: Season 3

So its over. The third season of Intramural came to a close with the Frigid Platypi taking a 2-1 game loss to the Scooby-Snacks. Whew, what a season. Although we still are maintaining our perfect record, the team has evolved into something much more than a hodge podge of friends and acquaintances gathering together for several games of volleyball. As the years progress, the friendships with those on the team have gone much deeper. Even those new to the team were so much fun to play with. Johanna was the most improved player hands down on any of the teams (although the Waffles had some amazing improvement as well). We had fun, although losing is honestly getting harder and harder.
We can win and we have won a couple games. The one thing that I have no desire to happen is that we focus on winning instead of having fun. Being a founding member of the Platypi has been an amazing experience. I want to be the team that everyone loves going against but has to fight to beat us. Maybe, just maybe, we could beat a team. Okay, okay, calm down. We can still keep trying though, can't we?
As much as I love documenting the life and times of a Frigid Platypus...I need to do homework, and it is really late. Like 1 o'clock late. Until next time (who knows how long), God Bless.
