Flying Hot Pockets

Just short blurbs about my life, music, and all that I'm learning.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tyler James Music

So once again I've been drawn back to  Tyler  James's music.  Its great.  Not something completely new but something that is raw and completely heartfelt.  It reminds me of Mat Kearney a tiny bit .  His songs are very real.  Just something to throw out there before I go to lunch.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today was the first day of Kids Camp. It went very well for a first day. We had almost 40 kids there and the numbers always go up as the week progresses. It was great to see a lot of familiar faces (Johnny, Alex, James, Christian, Sierrah, etc.) and a ton of new ones. If numbers keep going up for Kids Club, affectionately referred to as K.O.W. (Kids on Wednesday), we're going to need some serious extra help. That is a completely different program and I love the way that it is set up. But, we will still need people there to help keep the kids together so that we can have some resemblance of order. I'm also getting anxious about bringing in new people, but I know that God knows who he wants at Southside to accomplish his purposes, his plans. It will be a fun year and I know that it is going to fly by a hot pocket. More on that to come...

B Collision

Someone bought and gave me a CD today in the Campus mail. Its someone on campus but for the life of me I can figure out who it was. I know the handwriting but I can't figure it out at all. I love it though. Just llke Crowder and his band. Its amazing, I'm only on the 3rd song but I know that I'll be listening to it for quite a while. All of them, over and over until I know them, the lyrics and the depths of them

Monday, September 25, 2006

Aha, it worked! Although not as easily as I would have liked...

So I'm trying to get any of my journaling programs to go through to Blogger...I hope this one works.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Internet

So this should be one of the last times that I have to use the computer lab to access the internet. Everything should be up and running tomorrow...hopefully. Shaun, Zheb, Chad and I all have our paper work turned in so all we're on is for them to finalize the connections to the quads. It hasn't been terrible but life will be much simpler once we have our internet on.
